Saturday 6 September 2008

Who knows knowledge ?

Knowing too much sometimes takes away the joy of life. These days I am writing a report on knowledge. By doing so all my energy and the knowledge for namesake has drained completely.

I did everything that I was not expected to, to gain some knowledge, like watching FILMS, NDTV online, BBC online and friends, in the time that was given for research and preparation. The worst was planning a trip back home over and over again. And guess what...I am back to my normal way of working i.e. always performing under pressure by choice or call it by habit.

The other day I was talking to a friend and said, 'I have knowledge and can work for a while' when I wanted to say that I have energy and can work for a while. In another funny conversation I asked a friend not to worry about his report, to which he quickly replied, 'don't worry I have knowledge'.

For now my dictionary begins and ends with KNOWLEDGE. I think all the worry, tension, anxiety, nervousness, stress, excitement and pressure is thanks to knowledge that I don't have yet working on. I hope this pressure will feel like pleasure, happiness, delight and enjoyment after the report is submitted.


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