Sunday 4 November 2007

Friends forever...

All my best relationships have started with fights.

Vidhi, my sister happens to be my first best friend. What is it that we have not done for and against each other in our childhood. But as we grew up I found my best friend in her. As a child I used to fight with her and because of similar age group there used to be comparisons too. We used to even fight over space between our mattresses :). I remember very clearly the first time I missed her was when I went to Kullu Manali trip arranged by school. I was not used to living without her. Sometime in middle school we came friends to discuss our latest crush, shopping, friends, proposals etc. And now we are not used to living without each other. I am away from home and both of us hate this separation.

Then came my second best friend Tarsheen. This was too in middle school. We were in the same section from Junior school but happened to meet on Kullu Manali trip. We did not know anybody on the that trip except for each other. I don't understand why I went since none of my friends did, but I am glad I was their to meet my second best friend. We fought very well on the trip and the fights continued till many years. The best were the ones we used to have at each others house during a stay. In fact I used to be much comfortable fighting in my house as she had five dogs and my movement used to be completely restricted because of the fights. I remember there were days and weeks we did not talk or sit with each other in school. At the same time I used to get worried to know about her higher education plans in UK. We have come a long way since then. Now, I am not there, the meetings have reduced, distance has increased but the feeling of her presence in my life gives me a sense of comfort.

I found a best friend in my sister and sister in my best friend.


TKS said...

hey i remember those mattress territory fights all too well - funniest sight ever :)

Unknown said...

I remember once u came home angry and told mom that tarsheen is paying more attention to sum other girl in d class... Amazing time that was....
People r blessed to have u as a part of thr life:)

Vibgyor said...

alright vidhi and tarsheen, this was suppose to be an emotional post but u two seem to be haivng fun :)