Monday 28 January 2008

Orkut 1010

As the title suggests this post is about my Orkut profile which has 1,010 scraps now. This post was supposed to come on 1000th scrap but I was caught with exams and assignments. Also, I was thinking who will write the 1000th scrap for me when I had 999 scraps. But it did not take much time for the suspense to die as two full fledged convos happened on Orkut itself.

This may not mean anything at all to some people but it does mean quite a bit to me and reminds me of my best friend who kept on sending invitations to me to make an account unless I made one. Initially she was my only friend and then another friend found me somehow. Through these two friends I found and made more friends, people found me and the stories goes on till date.

In all this while I have checked people's profile randomly, also checked profiles of people I don’t like much, got random scraps from Orkut majnus saying 'will u be my frand' and 'u r butifool'. Also, met few very good and old friends through Orkut. It is so much a part of our lives that instead of exchanging phone numbers, people say, don’t worry I will find you on Orkut. Wishing on festivals and remembering birth dates have become much easier.

Are u still wondering why a post on Orkut...Well the reason is that I happened to be a part of a group which was recommending Orkut to a friend who was very reluctant to make an account but agreed to us when he found out that there will be girls from all over the world. That is what orkutting is all about.


Kapzz said...

ohh no... how could I be that lazy that I missed to post ur 1000th was 996 when I saw... thought of putting 997, 998, 999, 1000... but then thought to wait for 1-2 days... waise bhi u dont get enough scraps but when I checked ur scrapbook again few days later, there were already 1006...
n I didnt find u on orkut somehow... that eve we talked bout orkut n I said Ill find u when I login next time... but u had mentioned ur location as US so I was doubtful.
anyways, ur reluctance to be regular on orkut bended before ur lovely frens' affection n u see the diff that u have almost double scraps than I have :-)

Azahar Machwe said...

hmm good to see such a personal story about Orkut.

Very few people would admit Orkut plays an important role in your life.