Saturday 6 December 2008

Mumbai happened for good!

This is what I feel about the whole episode. The attack was certainly different in many ways than what India has seen before. Terrorists taking the sea route and using hand grenades was definitely different. But the best of all things were the hotels that were targeted. In most previous attacks it was always the poor and middle class who died in train blasts, Sarojini Nagar blasts and many others. The rich continued to live in luxury, sometimes also participated in talk shows of channels like NDTV. But Hotel Taj and Trident are not visited by poor people.

This attack was the first of its kind to target the rich Indians as well, who talk about the spirit of people to move on and live, but they will now understand what it means to move on. I hope the rich will use their power and influence to the best to pressurise authorities in India to get active and stay alert at all times. Specially the Mumbai film industry and the big business houses who talk all the time but never come up with serious stuff as they take their security for granted.

Thanks to terrorists for Mumbai attacks because from time to time it’s important to wake up people in deep sleep. Now it is the same India for all rich and poor, a terror state, which can encourage unity between different classes in the society for common good.

1 comment:

Azahar Machwe said...

Excellent stuff... couldn't agree more with you! It is the educated and often well to do class who talk the most and do the least.
